Let us consider the ways the United States has betrayed us. First and foremost is the trashing of the trade deal, the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). This was negotiated hard over a year and a half during Donald Trump’s first presidency with negotiators he chose at the table and signed under his signature. Now, under his authority, the U.S. is shredding the agreement with arbitrary tariffs. 

An agreement generating economic growth and raising the standards of living for more than 510 million people and an economy of $44 trillion (nearly 30 percent of the global economy) is threatened. We can guess what this will do to the world economy. So much for the word of Americans.

The United States has betrayed our friendship. The president of that nation has insulted our prime minister, insulted our country, and even threatened to annex us.

The United States has betrayed the democratic community to which we and they belong. It has sided with one of the world’s foulest dictators against Ukraine even as that courageous country fights a war for democracy and self-determination, the principles for which we all once stood together.

A good neighbour has, overnight, become a menacing presence.

Earlier this week, our prime minister made an inspirational speech defending Canada and calling out the bully that now rules our southern neighbour and corrupts its honour. I include it below.

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