Conservatives court Labour
During the recent railway dispute, the federal Conservatives were strangely silent. A work stoppage of any length would have had grave effects on the Canadian…
… a Bill Longstaff blog
During the recent railway dispute, the federal Conservatives were strangely silent. A work stoppage of any length would have had grave effects on the Canadian…
Consumer carbon taxes seem to cause something akin to hysteria among Canadian conservatives. The federal leader of the Conservative party endlessly repeats his slogan “axe…
Many people think that Hitler was democratically elected chancellor of Germany. He wasn’t. In fact, some highly influential conservatives convinced President von Hindenburg to appoint…
I liked Brian Mulroney. He was just full of that rascally Irish charm. And a rascal he certainly was. Taking envelopes with large sums of…
Do conservatives like democracy? That may seem like an unfair question. And for many conservatives it may be. Bur it seems there are many who…
Stephen Harper has recently been promoting closer ties between Canadian conservatives and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government. Harper is chair of the International Democrat…
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are two buffoons who embarrassed two major democracies by their election to national leadership. Both are now gone and much…
In December 2003 the Progressive Conservative Party merged with the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party) to become the Conservative Party of Canada. The “progressive”…
What do I know about Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre? He hates our prime minister. He loves cryptocurrency. If he's elected PM, he will fire the…
Pierre Poilievre has trotted out a recurrent theme in Conservative election platforms—he will “defund” the CBC. (Is “defund” a steal from woke-speak?) This is hardly…
If there’s a common refrain in Conservative election platforms it’s lower taxes. No matter the current tax level, Conservatives believe it must be lower. If…
As a social democrat I may be prone to seeing the virtues in progressives and the vices in conservatives. But I challenge any objective observer…