Conservative boss Pierre Poilievre is noted for his iron control of his caucus. Does this make him an authoritarian? It’s important to know as he’s odds-on favourite to become our next PM. His mentor, Stephen Harper, who also ruled his party with a firm hand, has sought closer ties with an undoubted authoritarian, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban. By their friends …
One characteristic of authoritarian behaviour offered in my dictionary is “showing a lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others.” A lack of concern for the opinions of others is a defining characteristic of Poilievre, at least any opinions that may challenge his.
He infamously mocks and criticizes journalists rather than engaging with them while claiming the mainstream media as enemies. In his words they “are spending a lot of time trying to stop me.” He accuses not only the CBC but Global and CTV as well of being biased against him.
The CBC is required by the Broadcasting Act to commit to journalistic independence. Nonetheless, Poilievre plans to defund it.
For his year-end interview, rather than a mainstream journalist Poilievre chose the charismatic psychologist Jordan Peterson who shares his views on the pronoun wars. Like Peterson he seems to be obsessed with the “horrendous woke” activists.
In his interview he even threatened the oil industry for co-operating with the Liberal government on issues such as the environment. The big five oil companies, he says, have not been supporting the right policies, “So that’s going to have to change.”
One of his more curious vexations is the World Economic Forum, in particular its annual conference at Davos in Switzerland. He declares that when he is PM he will not let any of his ministers attend. When Davos was first instituted I admit I was a tad apprehensive myself about our political leaders closeting themselves with the world’s leading capitalists in a cosy village in the Alps to plot who knows what mischief. But eventually Davos opened up. The WEF board of directors, originally all CEOs, now includes outstanding leaders not only from business and politics, but also from academia and civil society.
The topics at Davos now include a range of interests and the conference has featured a number of important topics and produced challenging ideas. Perhaps it was this opening up to other interests that offended conservatives such as Poilievre. Talking to industry was fine, but talking to environmentalists … what is the world coming to.
As for his control over his caucus, a Conservative source told the CBC in confidence, “Everybody is being watched. What we say, what we do, who we talk to. We’re told not to fraternize with MPs from the other parties.”
So is Poilievre an authoritarian? Perhaps, perhaps not. Maybe it’s just the paranoia characteristic of conservative populists. Or maybe he’s just naturally nasty. But apparently he has had an ambition to impose his ideology on the country since he was knee-high and has resolutely pursued it. If he isn’t an authoritarian, he is at least a self-righteous ideologue.
Can the country afford a prime minister who doesn’t talk to reporters, wants to shutter the CBC, rants against woke and hates Davos? A prime minister hostile to opinions other than his own, to anyone who may prick his ideological bubble?
I suggest not. A prime minister represents all the people, not just those who support his ideology, and owes everyone at least a hearing. Poilievre is very much not that prime minister. I shall watch the Liberal leadership race with the greatest interest.
“obedience”…”at the price of personal freedom” … Pretty much ‘lil pp in a nutshell. Anti-vax,ax the tax, austerity max, f*ck the fax. No questions, no answers, no one around him to moderate him. (TThat is my fear in that if he gains power there are no thinkers around him, and by design I imagine, like the chorus line of clowns drump is installing to take orders while the billionaires whisper in his ear) Nobody influences ‘lil pp . Every communication effort he has made is solitary musings, like just voices in his head in the shower. His head bobs like Stevie Wonder because if he allows himself to see the world outside his head, his world will crumble. I have watched way too many actually and in every one there are several wrong comparisons , wrong statistics, wrong conclusions , lyricaly assembled to blame “the carbon tax” or JT.
That Jordan thing was just two boys comfortable enough to shower together. If you’re that close you won’t disagree.
Point is , the loyal opposition refuses to recognize any opposition to his “broken Canada” and his one issue carbon tax election ignores everyone and everything else. If a poorly informed whiny child-man gets to wield power, you will be only allowed to be free to agree, yes an authoritarian in knee-pants I’m afraid.