Science did not fare well under the Harper government of 2006-15. It eliminated the long-form census, pulled Canada out of the Kyoto protocol, cut science budgets and closed research facilities, curbed scientists speaking to the media, and, Soviet-style, sent political minders along with Canadian scientists attending international events. Science was being sidelined in the policy and decision-making of government.
Scientists did not take all this quietly. In 2012, graduate students and professors at the University of Ottawa coordinated what came to be known as “The Death of Evidence” rally. Thousands showed their support.
One outcome of the rally was the incorporation of the organization entitled Evidence for Democracy (E4D), in its words “a grassroots organization that believes a strong democracy requires governments that make policy decisions informed by the best available evidence.”
In short order, E4D had run its first campaign, “Science Uncensored,” focussing on the suppression of government scientists, and published its first research report, Can Scientists Speak?, which graded federal government departments and agencies on their communications and media policies.
For the 2015 federal election, E4D created a website telling scientists’ stories and explaining why free scientific speech is important. It also developed policy recommendations to strengthen evidence-informed decision-making and created a Science Pledge for politicians.
The election brought a more science-friendly government. The new government created a Chief Science Advisor, restored the long form census, increased spending on fundamental science, and the mandate letters to Ministers are now made public and state the government’s commitment to using the best available science and evidence-informed decision making. E4D continues to push for science-related policies and hold the government accountable for its science-related commitments.
In order to empower the scientific community with the tools and opportunities to actively engage in policy discussions, E4D has established the Science Advocacy Hub, an open-access platform offering a comprehensive range of resources, including awards, courses, training opportunities, internships, and relevant readings.
In order to foster a culture where science and evidence are deeply valued in society, the organization conducts public awareness campaigns, educational outreach, and social media engagement. It also champions campaigns against misinformation.
Evidence for Democracy is Canada’s leading non-partisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to integrating scientific evidence into government decision-making. The need for such an organization was catalyzed by the anti-science years of the Harper government. Now we are faced with the very real possibility of a repeat of that government led by a Harper disciple. We will need E4D more than ever to confront the threat.
If you share my concern about another government inimical to science, or just want more info on E4D, or would be interested in contributing to or volunteering for their efforts, they can be found at